Restoration Project Update. Remembering the 66. Robert Grant. Robert Grant didn’t return home from Ibrox on the 2nd January 1971. He was only 21. Earlier this year we were contacted by a Robert Lindsay of the Bishopton RSC who informed us that he had visited Robert’s grave and asked if we could restore the plot and re-letter the inscription.
Robert managed to get a contact number for Robert Grant’s sister whom I spoke to and explained the on-going work with the Restoration of Rangers Graves Project. She agreed to restoration of her brother’s stone . We’re delighted to say that this work was completed yesterday. How can you help The Restoration of Rangers Graves Project? We of course won’t carry out any restoration work without first consulting with the relatives of those affected by the disasters and gaining their consent. Do you know of any relative that we can approach and offer assistance? If you can help please send an email to the founderstrail@gmail.com or call 0790 2855536. Donations can be made here on our website or in person before any future match at Ibrox. https://www.thefounderstrail.co.uk/t...rangers-graves