George Gillespie.
Earlier today we met with George Gillespie’s Granddaughter Barbara and her husband Emile.
We took them around Glasgow visiting various locations linked not only with George’s Rangers career but also his life.
We visited his house on Radnor Street, his Pub in Finnieston, and our grounds at Burnbank, Kinning Park and First Ibrox.
After paying their respects at George Gillespie’s final resting place at Lambhill Cemetery we took them on a Tour of Ibrox Stadium and finished of our day with lunch in the Argyle House restaurant.
It was a privilege to spend the day with Barbara and Emile and to give them an insight into George’s life and the early years of our Club.
We also managed to help each other, through our research, place more pieces into the wonderful tapestry that is Rangers Football Club.
They are now honorary members of our worldwide Rangers Family, brought back into the fold, and head off home to Canada with copies of our Gallant Pioneers book and of course Founders Trail scarves as reminder of their visit to Glasgow and their bond with the Rangers.
Haste Ye Back.