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Founders Presentation in the Thornton Suite Ibrox Stadium Saturday 12th October.

Founders Presentation in the Thornton Suite Ibrox Stadium Saturday 12th October.

From Fleshers Haugh to Ibrox Stadium we’re bringing our Founders back to the heart of our Club!

After the success of our Founders Presentation night at Ibrox in March we’re delighted to announce a second event on Saturday 12th October.

Come in to Ibrox via our Front Door, walk up the Marble Staircase, visit our incredible Trophy Room then join us in the Thornton Suite for the most incredible sporting story of all.

Tickets for this unique event are priced at only £22 which includes a Half-Time Pie and a Pint. A Disco will bring the evening to a conclusion.

Doors Open 7.00pm.Cash Bar Available until 11.30pm.

The Founders Presentation runs for approximately 90 minutes with a 30 minute interval built in when we will run a prize laden raffle!

We also encourage a Q and A session.

As an addition to the Founders story we will also give an insight into the Founders Trail and the Restoration of Rangers Graves Project.

If you’d like to join us for this special event please purchase your tickets using the link below.

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